Hey all so just so you know I am not just a fan of So You Think You Can Dance, I will be recapping other reality shows on this blog as well, starting with America's Got Talent. I've watched this show from the beginning and still can't believe Neal beat out Nuttin' But Stringz or my personal favorite Eli Mattson last year. Oh well.
Sorry for the lateness of this blog but I got in trouble for screaming at one of the acts (more on that later) which woke up my parents who made me turn the show off. Anyway on to the show...
I've already seen plenty of previews and can guarantee the chicken catcher who sings country music and the siblings who woke their mother up from a coma will both make the finals. The country guy is good, but not really my thing, and while I didn't like the siblings' voices at first they have started to grow on me as I saw their commercial more and more.
But first we have to get through the audition rounds. I wonder how many times they'll mention Susan Boyle in the intro (I bet they'll mention her much more than they mention Neal).
Well no specific mention of Susan, just clips from the various world versions of this show with a large shot of Susan at the end and Piers' reaction to her voice (because of course they can't show Simon's reaction since he's not a judge on this show...)
And the siblings who woke up their mom already appear in the intro as well, though at least they showed the young girl who in my view is the most talented of the three.
Quick comments from the judges- Piers wants a unique act to win (especially after two singers winning in the past three years I bet), Sharon loves how this show makes dreams come true, and David says the show is fun, especially with the wacky acts.
Why is Nick Cannon in front of the White House for the intro? That's kind of random... OMG he's going to dance with one of the acts! This I got to see.
I didn't watch most of the acts they showed in the intro because I wanted to be surprised when they came out but that young boy dancer looked really good.
Nick gets his photo AND name in the credits- Regis and Jerry never got that. Hmm...
So wait, there are no auditions in Washington DC?? Then why the hell is Nick there???
First up, NYC. I think we see those three siblings here since I know they are from upstate NY.
The judges get their traditional big intro and now it's time for the auditions. Nick certainly knows how to work a crowd.
First up is a cute teacher's aide named Ray Schwarz. He's a singer and dancer who hopes to touch people with his music. Please let him be good!!! Well his voice isn't horrible but his "dancing" consists of shaking and waving his arms back and forth. Too bad he seemed like a nice guy. The audience is hating it but the judges dig it for a bit. Oh wait there's David with the X,and Piers soon follows. And there goes Sharon. Ray says he needs improvement, and Piers wonders how bad he was before lessons! Ouch. At least the judges are nice in their rejections.
Montage of bad acts. Jay Brunelle plays guitar and sings badly while slipping on a unicycle. Andy Lopata ( a forty-year old white guy, mind you) does some "rap" that sounds like rhythmic poetry more than rap. Sky and Vlad Eros Fire (cool name) do a fire dance but Sky's hair catches on fire halfway through. They even needed fire extinguishers to put out the blaze! The judges are not impressed.
Now we have moved to Chicago. Oh yeah I forgot they are going to jump back and forth between cities like they did last year. I hated it then and I hate it now- too confusing. Ooh Johnny Depp lookalike.
Moses Lanham- A movie usher with a unique talent. Apparently he's the only living person who can do what he does, and it is dangerous. This could be really good or really bad. His act is turning his feet 180 degrees and then walking. That sounds really painful and cool, though I don't know how he could sustain this for a whole act in Vegas. Well he does it, and it is cool and weird, but like I said what will he do in the next round to top this? Haha love the look on Nick's face. Piers X's him when he gets grossed out enough, but the guy even has a tie on the back of his shirt and then puts his back to the audience but with the tie and his feet he looks like he is just facing forward with his head turned around! David agrees with me that it's not enough to sustain an act though, and even the audience is lukewarm. Sharon says no, and Piers says he got physically ill. I'm not surprised though at least he actually has talent, unlike the other rejects so far.
Nick turns his clothes and shoes around and imitates Moses as he walks off the stage! I think I'm going to like Nick as the host.
Ooh sad music starting- that means the next act will be good and have a sob story to boot.
They are a six-man group called FootworKINGz. They grew up in bad neighborhoods and want to inspire others to go for their goals. They have a motto but I can't really understand it- something about water I think. They are full of confidence, already predicting they can win the million. They start out running in a circle and I wonder where the dancing is but once they start they are really good. They are essentially a group that dances hip hop in unison. It got a little repetitive with the choreography but there's no doubt these guys have skills. The audience loves it as well. Piers and Sharon loved it, but David worries they won't be able to sustain the act for an hour show, which is a fair point. However they deservedly get through to Vegas.
We stay in Chicago after the break...
Shine- a four-person sibling act called Shine who sing uplifting, positive music. One of them names themselves the happiest group in America, and they certainly seem it. They start to sing and the audience turns on them right away. I don't think they are that bad but I'm getting a strong Brady Bunch vibe from them, and I don't think that's a good thing. They even have the corny group choreography down pat. The voices get even worse as the song goes on but Sharon lets them finish the act. They have never been booed by an audience before but still seem upbeat after the song. Three no's from the judges.
More "uplifting acts". Four men dressed in red and green jumpsuits look like tomatoes call themselves The Positive Brothers. They dance okay but seem out of sync, and the judges send them on their way. Laura Velgos strips and dances while her mother? Alicia plays accordian. They claim the act is original, but it's not original in a good way. Christy Marie sings Cher and I don't think she's that bad either but the audience and judges give her a quick no. Wow they are harsh tonight. Jay Jay comes out in a rocker-esque wig and plays something on a keyboard that just sounds weird and creepy. He too is sent packing.
Wow a half hour in and only one good act so far! Hopefully the action will pick up soon.
Still in Chicago- when are they going back to NY?
Next up is an impersonator, and I'm guessing by the patriotic music it's an Obama lookalike. Well better than all the Bush guys we got last year. Wow he really does look like the president. His real name is Peter Peterkin by the way. He's actually pretty funny in his standup routine, saying he always must say five "thank yous" when he is introduced. Then he puts on a wig and does a little James Brown, and hey his voice is pretty good as well. He claims to do 300 impressions and play 15 instruments. David thought it got lame at the end. Piers liked the uniqueness of the Obama impression but questions the singing. Really? I thought his voice was the best part. He does some spot on Little Richard as well. Sharon says yes, as do David and Piers! He didn't blow me away but he was entertaining for sure.
And out comes Nick in the James Brown wig!! Awesome!!!
Montage of good acts (finally). Black Fire Percussion is a group of youths who play drums while tossing sticks in the air too. I didn't love it but the judges did. Anointed S is a "vocal percussionist" aka beatboxer. Not my thing but he's good at what he does. Unexpected Step Team does some cool moves despite the weird cheerleading outfits.
After the break we meet Debbie Victor, who has worked on her act for fifty years. I have a feeling she's going to be bad, talking about how her act is unique. She does animal sounds as an act- these people have auditioned before and never gotten through, and I don't think that's going to change now. She starts out sounding like a sick dog, but her monkey is pretty good. She does a sheep and then another animal I don't recognize before getting X'd off the stage.
Animal acts!!! Tommy and Diane Long have a mini horse that supposedly plays golf but ends up just moving the club around in the air.
Next up is Rockin' Rory, an adorable dog whose owner Tony found him at a shelter. Ooh a frisbee act (I think). Tony throws Rory some frisbees and Rory grabs every one, dancing and jumping over Tony in the process. Rory even stands on Tony's feet at one point. I wasn't that impressed at first but then Rory bounces off Tony's chest to grab frisbees from the air. I have to admit that's kind of cool. Still not really my thing though. Piers says the dog looks like he flies, which he does. The judges all say yes, and the audience gives him a sitting (not standing) ovation.
Now we're off to Seattle. Wow NYC's getting the shaft in this episode. I remember the Idol auditions here were historically bad (and I think so were the SYTYCD ones) so my expectations aren't too high.
Brad Byers is a small-town guy hooked on show business. This is the act that got me screaming at the TV and waking up my parents by the way.When he was young he appeared in his grandmother's talent show and has been hooked to performing ever since. He is doing a fishing trip gone wrong with a hook and anchor. Okay..... Wow he literally sticks the hook through his nose and has it come out his mouth!!! Ew!!!! Then he attaches the anchor to the hook and swings his head back and forth like it is nothing! He even pulls the hook back out without any sign of blood! But he's not done yet. He then takes out a drill, turns it on, and sticks it through his nose! Wow! This is gross but kind of cool. And out comes the drill, with not a bit of blood on it. Even Nick is grossed out. Brad adds that he does lots of other similar things as well, including putting out a propane blowtorch on his tongue. I actually want to see that. The judges (minus Sharon) agree it was gross but entertaining, and he is sent through to Vegas.
Another montage of bad acts, this time Seattle style. EmpeROAR Fabulous dresses in silver and glitter and does a weird strip singing act. Louie Lichtenstein attaches a suitcase to a rope and flings it around the stage for a bit. Kerry Christensen does yodeling that sounds like a chicken. Cirkus Pandemonium balance on top of each other and do things with fire. Johnny Bagpipes plays bagpipes (shocker!) and plays them badly.
After the break we are still in Seattle and still have weird acts. Noel the Freak attaches hooks to his eyes and various objects to the other end of the hooks while his partners break those items one by one. That's like Brad's act but weirder. The judges say no, but I think that was just as impressive as Brad's act before and he got through.
Note to all reality show producers- NEVER go to Seattle for auditions again. That's three shows now that have had disastrous auditions there.
Next up are three girls -ages 15, 11, and 14-the EriAm Sisters. They write songs together and practice every day. Aw... They are really close and hope to be the next Destiny's Child. Nick is just happy to have found some normal people in Seattle. They come out with cool choreography and singing "I Want You Back". All three get solos at the mike and all have great voices, though the 11 year old (who got the bulk of the solos) is the best in my opinion. Even the background harmonies sound great, and the whole audience is up on their feet. This is my favorite act so far, and the judges love them too. They really do remind me of a young Destiny's Child. Piers is surprised the two older sisters can sing since the youngest one got most of the solos. He also gives them good advice on staying closer together when they sing. David says they are the most talented kids he's ever seen on the show (even better than Bianca Ryan????). Sharon loves them as well and they are sent straight through to Vegas! Yay they were awesome!
Finally another montage of good acts after the commercial. The Jesse White Tumbling Team (including a 74 year old- wow!) do lots of acrobatic air tricks. Though it looks like the 74 year old is just the conductor/leader and doesn't do any tumbling. That would have been really impressive. The Urban Nation Hip Hop Choir remind me of a gospel choir you hear at church (not necessarily a bad thing). Draconik breathe fire and do other fire tricks, like one guy putting fire on a hula hoop and putting it around his neck. It was kind of hard to see much of what their act was with the short segment but it seemed kind of cool.
David Johnson is a loan officer who has played guitar since high school. He first started to write a song in high school about his crush from Baywatch. He sort of implies the crush is Pamela Anderson but why do I get the feeling the song is about The Hoff. His guitar playing is not bad, and neither is the singing, but the song itself is kind of perverted. And yes the song is about David Hasselhoff!!! I totally called that! Apparently David (the contestant) bought Knight Rider on DVD and the Hoff's speedos from the internet. Wow. He really was pretty good though, and the song was actually kind of funny. Piers felt the emotion, David thought the song was very true. Of course David says yes, but he's sad the person who wrote a song about him was a man! Ha! Sharon says no, so it's down to Piers. Come on Piers, he actually has some talent! Sure enough he gets through to the next round! He won't last too long there but I want to see what else this guy can come up with.
Hey Neal Boyd has a new CD out- including "God Bless the USA"- I love that song! Ooh and he's on tour with Britain's Got Talent winner Paul Potts- those who like that kind of music (which I don't) will love that show.
Woah one of the auditioners looks like a guy who auditioned for Idol a few years back- I forget his name but I know he was really bad.
Next up are Bruce and Simone, lovers clad in silver. They feel they are soulmates, especially singe Simone loves Bruce's feet and soft hair. Bruce thinks Simone is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Of course they are going to suck but at least they will suck together. Bruce however thinks they are going to win. They have a double hoop act, whatever that means. They are actually not as bad as I thought they would be. They do lots of sexual-looking acts in the hoop. At one point Bruce stands on Simone as the hoop rotates around in the air. It's kind of boring to me but the audience and judges seem to dig it. Nick wants a hoop for his bedroom haha- I can't picture him and Mariah doing that. Piers thinks they should keep the act in the bedroom but Sharon enjoyed it. David says no, Sharon says yes. Sharon tells Piers if he says yes the two of them can do that act later. I'd much rather see that then see these two lovebirds again but Piers does put them through. They do have some talent but I don't think they will last long in Vegas.
Woohoo they are back in NYC (finally!) There haven't been any good New York acts so far but hopefully that will change.
The NYC Gay Men's Chorus sing "Single Ladies"- yes that "Single Ladies". Their voices only sound okay but the mere awesomeness of them choosing that song puts them through.
Joseph Maracina is from Queens, and he does impressions. He claims he can do anyone's voice. Well his normal voice sounds like Robert Deniro a bit... He starts out with some Nicholson and I think it's pretty good but Piers X's him right away. Well the impression isn't bad but what he is saying isn't really funny. He then does Anthony Hopkins, which I can't judge since I don't know what he sounds like. This gets two more X's and boos from the crowd. The judges claim the actual impressions weren't that good, but I thought it was the routine itself that wasn't funny. Either way he gets three no's.
Next are Zoe and Dave. They are dancers who at first worked together and then fell in love. I think this is the act where little Zoe picks up large Dave with her bare hands. They call themselves Paradizo Dance and dance to "No Air". I'm getting SYTYCD flashbacks with the song choice. In fact Zoe picks up Dave three times in the dance, though to me there doesn't seem to be much dancing in the piece-just lots of lifts. He picks her up as well, and while she seems very graceful he does not. I like Zoe a lot as a dancer but Dave really takes away from the piece for me. The judges and audience seem to love it though. Apparently Dave weighs 240 lbs and Zoe is around 100 lbs. That part of the piece was cool but the rest was only okay. The judges send them through to the next round, though I hope they don't last much longer.
And last but not least are Voices with Glory aka the siblings from the previews who woke their mother up from a coma. Of course the producers save the best story for last to drum up popularity for these guys right away (as if the commercials they were in did not pump them up enough). Their ages are 16, 13, and 9. They haven't even mentioned their mother yet. But then of course Piers asks them about their inspiration and they get into the story. Their mother was in a head on collision in a car and they sang by her bedside to comfort while she was in a coma. They even sang to others in the hospital as well. And of course the mother is now alive and backstage, as the previews showed. Now for the singing. They are certainly talented, but they are not worth all the hype they are getting in my view. The young girl is really good but the two older boys are only okay. The girl does get the main part of the song while the boys sing background, but I don't even love their harmonies that much. I would much rather the girl group
from earlier (the three sisters) make it to the finals instead. Either that or the girl should just get a solo career and leave her brothers behind. Piers says they are the "pride of America", David says their mother is proud of them. Sharon is in tears and the audience demands the mother be brought out. She's in a wheelchair but other than that she looks good for having been in a coma for eight months. Sharon cries some more. Piers says we must judge them as performers but he thinks the singing was one of the best he's heard. Really?? I did not think they were that good at all but maybe it's just my taste. Of course they get right through to Vegas.
So that's it for tonight's show. The only act that really wowed me were the EriAm Sisters, though Rockin Rory and FootworKINGz also impressed me. I also want to see what Brad Byers does next, weird as his act may be.
So what are your thoughts on tonight's show? Were you as disappointed with Voices with Glory as I was? Who else are your early standouts? Post your comments below.
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ReplyDeleteSky Claudette Soto does her patented back bend with fire fingers, while Vlad Marco holds flaming skewers right over her stomach. Their act has always gone off without incident — until a recent performance on “America’s Got Talent.”
Fire-act couple are incensed at Hasselhoff and NBC
By Lincoln Anderson
A former leading East Village squatter and his common-law wife are hot under the collar at “America’s Got Talent,” charging the reality show’s bungling techies created a dangerous situation that led to the woman’s hair catching on fire.
Vlad Marco and Sky Claudette Soto had performed their fire act 200 times prior to going on the NBC show. Typically, Vlad wields his blazing fire umbrella and fire swords, while Sky does back bends with her fire fans, or sometimes fire fingers.
They rehearse religiously in their Williamsburg loft. They’ve performed on Halloween at Webster Hall, and more recently on the roof at Grand Space in Brooklyn — always without a hitch.
But on “America’s Got Talent,” something went wrong, seriously wrong.
The segment was taped several months ago and recently aired.
Things immediately got off to a bad start, when the couple were told they couldn’t leave the stuffy green room at the Hammerstein Ballroom on W. 34th St. They were forced to wait in an uncomfortable “holding area” with 150 other performers for 13 hours, until they went onstage.
“They wouldn’t let us bring our fire safety person in,” Marco said. “They never offered us water.”
Marco said the stage setup looked “questionable.” Techies had put four boards down where Soto was to perform, and when Marco asked if they were fire retardant was told that they were.
“But it looked glossy, like laminate,” he recalled. A plastic covering may have been left on one of the boards, Marco suspects.
As a result, Marco said, when Soto did her trademark back bend, her right fire fan touched down and ignited the plastic, which caused the hair on the right side of her head to catch fire. Eventually, men with fire extinguishers rushed out, but, by that time, Soto’s hair was already out, as was Marco’s umbrella.
“It singed her hair — her reflexes are so quick, she was able to reach around and put it out,” Marco noted. “Sky’s trained in ballet and tap since she was 3. You can’t say this girl’s a novice.”
As they exited the stage, Soto angrily blasted Sharon Osbourne, one of the celebrity judges, screaming, “You can’t keep a performance artist downstairs for 13 hours! How dare you do this to me?” Yet, her rant was later removed from the segment that aired.
Marco was particularly incensed at a quip another of the judges, David Hasselhoff, made after the incident: “ ‘Well, that was a fiery end of the night.’ That’s what the dope said,” fumed Marco. “And then they’re like laughing, ‘Ha! Ha! She burned her hair.’ That’s bad taste.
“They put us on last, which makes me think this might have been intentional,” he added.
Adding insult to injury, a video of the fire-act fiasco popped up on AOL the next week, reaching as high as No. 7. Marco said boos were even dubbed into this video, though no one had booed at the actual taping.
“The contract says, ‘We can portray you in a false manner — like dubbing in boos,’” he noted. “We’ve never been booed. We did a show before 4,000 people at Webster Hall — they never booed. ... We did fire at Heidi Klum’s Halloween party four years ago. ... This is the sleazier side of reality TV.”
Maybe, Marco figured, it was all about one thing: “They wanted a ‘wow factor’ — because their ratings are plummeting.”
The Villager was unable to reach representatives from “America’s Got Talent” or NBC for comment.
Back in his squatting days, Marco “opened up” and/or “started” a lot of bricked-up abandoned buildings in the East Village, including See Skwat, Serenity and Sunshine.
“Pretty much every squat I ever opened is still going and standing,” he said.
John, I find it funny that I googled phrasing from what you commented on my youtube video of sky burning her hair. I knew it was a fake account!
ReplyDeleteVlad, Sky, whoever you are, just admit you made a mistake instead of blaming other people.
You blame burning hair on "peeling plastic up moments before you went on stage", peeling plastic does nothing scientifically in terms of combustion. Her hair was directly over the flames, which caused her hair to ignite. The floor was not on fire, her hair was. I am a science major, so I know very well what plastic would do in this sort of situation.
You may have practiced and performed this a million times, but that's why they are called accidents, and not "on purposes". You cant even be humble and admit that you made a mistake. You are so conceited that you feel the need to blame your misfortunes on everyone else. And, surprisingly, by making fake accounts and posting your entire performance history to try and justify what happened to you.
You are pathetic. At first, you were just a funny video that I could get view with, but now, I kinda want to show the world just how pathetic you really are...