Thursday, July 9, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance Recap: The Top 10 Revealed

Hey all I can't believe we are already up to announcing the top 10! This season is flying by. Next week the partners will split up and we will see who really shines and who has been riding their partners coattails. But first we must lose two more contestants. I think Brandon/Janette and Melissa/Ade should be safe, but everyone else could be in jeopardy. As I said last night I would put Evan/Randi, Phillip/Jeanine, and Jason/Caitlin in the bottom three but Kayla/Kupono could end up there as well despite their amazing first routine. As for who will go home, I think if Caitlin is in the bottom she will be out, as there is no way the judges will cut Kayla or Jeanine and Randi was strong last night. Phillip and Evan are also likely safe unless they blow their solos so it will likely be either Jason or Kupono leaving for the guys. I hope it is Jason since I really like Kupono but if he does another bad solo it may be three strikes and you're out for the Hawaiian.

Cat is wearing a blue dress with a giant gold piece on her chest. Not your best look Cat. The dress is pretty but the gold thing is just distracting- too many colored jewels on it.

The group dance is to a song called "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes. Kupono, Phillip, and Jason start out looking masculine and tough in uniform-type outfits. Two girls follow looking just as tough. The others join in but most of the dance looks more like marching than actual dancing. They line up in two rows and Phillip walks down the row doing something with his fingers I can't quite recognize. They then start dancing in unison, which I like much more than I liked the group parts earlier. The men get their own section, with Brandon leading the way at the front of the pack. Janette then plays a bit to the camera, though she just looks like she is going mad. The routine ends with the dancers laying on the floor and on this wall of suitcases with Jason standing on top. Parts of that were good, namely the guys' section and the unison parts, but it was kind of boring to me and I didn't really understand what was going on. It was a TabNap routine, which is odd since I usually like their dances. And why was a rock song used for hip hop dancing?

Tyce gets the least cheers among the judges, and Nigel gets the most. And apparently it is Nigel's 60th (!!!) birthday today. Wow I'm surprised he's that old. Then again he's my father's age and my father doesn't really look 60 either. But I thought Nigel was in his early 50s. Anyway he then jokes he went to get botox but Mary had used it all up before he got there! Anyone else getting tired of the botox joke?

Nigel then addresses the rumors about a Michael Jackson tribute dance. Apparently they were going to do a tribute with all different styles of dance and a bunch of Michael's songs but Sony/the family wouldn't clear the music. Boo for Sony- that tribute would have been really cool. Considering how often I've seen Michael's videos on TV these past few weeks I'm surprised they didn't clear it. So I guess that mean the rumored-Paula Abdul choreographed routine is a bust too.

Cat asks Mary about the judges losing control over the results next week. She says she likes that the judges have some control (as do I), but the job is not easy and now audiences can fix results they don't like. I've always been a fan of audiences picking the bottom three and judges picking who goes home based on that bottom three. It prevents non-fan favorites from winning and also prevents shocking eliminations. I personally think all reality shows should adopt this format but they never will since surprising eliminations are part of what makes these shows entertaining.
Cat asks Tyce how tough it is to do two dances in a week, and Tyce says they didn't sign up for a vacation so they have to be warriors and get through it. Even though that is true the way he says it just rubs me the wrong way. I'm starting to see why people don't like this guy (though I still don't this his choreography is that bad- yet).

The first two couples onstage are Jason/Caitlin and Brandon/Janette. Since there are six duos left there will likely be three groups of two duos each with one duo being safe and one in the bottom three. So unless there's a huge shocker here that means Jason and Caitlin are in the bottom. I bet even Jason and Caitlin at this point must know they are in trouble being grouped with the top couple on the show. They are even clapping for Brandon and Janette as their package is being shown. And sure enough Jason and Caitlin are in the bottom, and they don't look too surprised. I think Caitlin will be out unless someone else really bombs their solo and Jason is on the bubble as well. Mary says they haven't had magic since their Bollywood number (which I didn't even think was that good) and they have to leave it all out on the floor in their solos.

The next two out are Evan and Randi and Philip and Jeanine. Boo. That means Kayla and Kupono are going to be in the bottom unless they somehow beat out Melissa and Ade. As for these two I think Evan is more popular than Phillip plus Evan was better last night so I think Phillip and Jeanine will be in the bottom. And I'm two for two, as Phillip and Jeanine are indeed in the bottom for the second time in as many weeks. This just shows that Phillip is really losing his popularity quickly, at least moreso than Evan. Evan has now had two somewhat subpar weeks yet has been saved both times, which means he is likely going to last a while on this show no matter how well or poorly he dances. As for Phillip and Jeanine, I don't think either of them will get sent home. The judges said last night they didn't want to send home Jeanine and I'm sure Nigel wants to keep Phillip for the tour. Nigel says the Russian dance probably hurt them with the voters. Then he clarifies how the judges decide who goes home. Apparently they find out in the morning who is in the bottom three and then decide from that who they think should go. The solos can change their minds, but they do take into account prior performances. I figured they took into account other factors besides the solos but I didn't realize they knew who was in the bottom three before the audience did. It almost makes it seem like their minds are already made up and only a really good or really bad solo can change their minds. I guess that's why Kupono survived two weeks of subpar solos- the judges had already decided they wanted to keep him for his uniqueness and didn't let the solo change their mind. But the solo almost seems pointless then. I'm not saying they should get rid of the solos, I just think they should carry a bit more weight than they do currently. Also Nigel mentions that the dancers cut tonight will likely be swing dancers on the tour. Hmmm I wonder if he's saying that because he's going to cut Phillip and wants to ensure fans he'll still be on the tour. Very interesting.

Anyway now it's down to Melissa/Ade and Kayla/Kupono. I read some blogs that had lukewarm reviews of Melissa/Ade's performance so maybe they'll surprise me and end up in the bottom. I think either way Caitlin is a goner since there's no way the judges will cut Kayla, Melissa, or Jeanine. But Jason could be saved if one of the other guys has a bad solo. Kayla/Kupono had the best dance of the night last night so hopefully they are safe but their second routine may have cost them. WOW!!! Melissa and Ade are in the bottom!!!! Kupono and Kayla look just as shocked as I am. I love when the contestants are shocked to be safe- it's so cute. Anyway I guess Melissa and Ade aren't that popular either, which makes sense since neither had much screentime beforehand. I was so sure they were good enough last night to be safe with two solid, though perhaps forgettable, routines. But YAY for Kupono and Kayla- they deserve it after that fantastic contemporary number. Anyway like I said before there's no way Melissa is sent home so Caitlin is likely out. But the male eliminee is more up in the air- Jason is the more obvious choice to leave but you never know.

I've already gone back and watched the clip of Kupono and Kayla being safe, mostly because I've loved Kupono from the beginning but feared his poor solos might do him in tonight. Now I don't have to worry!!!!! I almost don't even care who goes home now as long as Kupono and Kayla (esp. Kupono) are safe.

Tyce thinks Ade's lack of energy in the routines cost them votes. I agree he is the weaker of the two, though overall he has been better than both Jason and Phillip. But since the judges did not like him last night that much a poor solo could (but likely won't) send him home.

While we wait for the soloists to warm up we get footage of auditions for the fall season, which are happening right now at a city (hopefully) near you. Apparently these clips will be shown every week- what happened to the pro dancers they bring in to perform? Are they still going to come too? I don't know if they can fit in musical guests, solos, audition clips, AND professional dancers into an hour show. The clips will apparently focus on a standout dancer from each city. So basically the judges are picking favorites for the audience before the season even starts.

Tonight we see the Boston auditions, where we meet a guy named Teddy who comes in sporting a bowtie and plaid pants and claims to have a dance style to match his quirkiness. The dance certainly is quirky, with some spastic movements and others that look like he is going in slow motion. He is certainly talented but a bit too weird for my liking. Nigel says a lot of people will vote for him (though I won't...).

Now it's time for solos:

Caitlin- The song is "Stand By Me" by Playing for Change. The solo is fun but it doesn't really show off her dancing skill as much as her past solos. It is more a showcase of her personality. It does get going towards the end but that might be too little, too late.

Jason- The song is "Calm Touching by Evaline. He comes out shirtless, which will certainly help him get Mary's vote. The dancing is fast and powerful- I'm getting tired just watching it! He also showed some great jumps and spins while having some personality as well. That dance might have saved him from elimination, which makes me even more relieved Kupono is not dancing for his life (if he had been he likely would have been eliminated since Jason had such a strong solo).

Jeanine- The song is "Baby's Romance" by Chris Garneau. Her solo is solid. It did not blow me away like Jason's did but it was certainly better than Caitlin's. It had more material for one, and the spins and jumps were really graceful.

Phillip- The song is "The Diva Dance" from the Fifth Element Soundtrack. I didn't even know that film had a soundtrack. Anyway I don't like popping so I'm probably not going to like this solo no matter what. Indeed the routine does nothing for me but he does seem to be popping well. However after Jason's solo he could be in trouble since he has struggled outside his own style throughout the competition.

Melissa- The song is "Kashira" by Kodo. This show really reveals to me how much music there is out there that I have never heard of. I'm surprised she chose a fast song to dance to since she seems to do best with slower, prettier routines. This one too did not blow me away but did show off her pointe skills as well as her jumps and turns. Not amazing but should be good enough to save her for another week.

Ade- The song is "Windowdipper" by Jib Kipper. Hey that rhymes! The song starts out with a bunch of noises a computer makes, which distracted me because it made me think I had pressed a wrong button on my laptop. But once I realized I was mistaken the dance was quite good. Not quite as good as Jason's but pretty close. The highlights were the split jump in the beginning and the cartwheel/flip at the end but the rest of the dance was excellent as well.

Jeanine's solo was my favorite among the girls, though none of them were amazing imo. But Caitlin's lacked the material the other two dances had which is why I still think she's a goner. The men are more interesting since all their solos were very good. Jason's was my favorite of the night followed by Ade's, but the main reason I didn't like Phillip's is because I don't like popping, not because the routine itself was bad. Ade should be safe based on prior performances plus his solo (which got a standing ovation from the crowd) and Jason could be safe based on his solo, so it might be the end of the road for Phillip (as it should be, if there is any justice).

This week's musical guest is Kelly Rowland with DJ David Guetta. They are performing their new hit single, "When Love Takes Over". Oh I have heard this song before- I actually heard it on the radio this morning and wondered who sang it. Anyway it sounds better on the radio because here Kelly is shouting way too much. The background dancers, however, are excellent. One even does a bit of break dancing at the end of the song.

Now all that's left is the results. The girls are up first. The judges are unanimous in their decision with the females. Nigel reminds the bottom six that they are all excellent dancers who have plenty of fans out there, but they need to keep those who are stars. Those who have not reached their full potential as stars will be going home. Caitlin steps forward first and is eliminated immediately. Wow that was quick. I guess they wanted to do it fast since it was obvious who was going home- like what Idol did when Lil Rounds went home this past season. Everyone knew she would be out so there was no need to draw it out.

Caitlin's family is in the crowd cheering her on, including sister Megan, who we saw back in Vegas. She is crying but seems to be taking the defeat well.

Now for the guys. This is where it will get interesting. Again they are unanimous. That's surprising for me since I thought this was a tough decision. They tell Phillip to step forward. Nigel says he is great at what he does but struggles with other styles. But they are not taking into account that Russian dance since it was so ridiculous. I'm sure the choreographers of that dance are happy to hear their routine had no bearing on who goes home tonight. With all these negative comments, could he be going home? Yes he is!!! Wow I'm surprised, though the writing was on the wall throughout the show that he would be out, especially when Nigel said that those who go home could still be on the tour. The crowd does seem shocked as well though. Indeed Nigel announces that Phillip will indeed be on the tour along with Caitlin. That's makes sense then, since I thought the only reason they would keep him around was for the tour.

Phillip says he will miss the growth as a dancer he experienced, especially since most self-taught poppers do not get the chance he did. He also hopes he inspired other dancers to realize they do not need money or a fancy studio to dance- all they need is passion and creativity. A great message and a classy exit from the popper.

So we have our top 10? Did the judges get it right? Based on tonight's solos I think they did. Jason was good but not great throughout the season, but his solo saved him imo, and like I said last night I knew Caitlin was doomed from the start. Did you see Phillip's elimination coming like I did? Post your comments below.

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