Friday, July 17, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance Recap: The Top 10 Results

Hey all sorry again for the last post but I kind of fell asleep last night and then was doing shopping much of the day today. Anyway after reading some other blogs from the performance show it seems I was the only one who though the paso doble was halfway decent. But an interesting note is is predicting Jason and Kayla to be going home, with only Evan and Randi being definitely safe. Evan being safe does not surprise me, though if this is true it proves Randi is popular in her own right. I know Kayla is unpopular so I wouldn't be shocked to see her go, though she was very good Wednesday night. Jason also was great on Wednesday but I would assume he got more votes after that Travis Wall routine (which I watched again and STILL found boring, but oh well).

Anyway tonight Cat is wearing a shiny blue dress- it's almost blinding to look at, and must be ever more so in person.

The group dance is to "So Much Betta" by Janet Jackson. Maybe it's a Michael tribute without his music. The guys come out in black with pyramid hats, and then an angel girl is passed around them. Two other girls are fierce in white, and two others are fiercer in red. The routine seemed shorter than usual but I enjoyed it. The sychronization of the dancers at the end was great as well. It was a Wade/Amanda Robson routine. Hey I didn't know Wade's wife choreographed also. They're like TabNap but not shown together as often.

Cat then announces the four Emmy nominations for choreography the show received. I'm surprised the show is not up for Best Reality Show and that Cat was shut out of Best Reality Show Host. Anyway the nominations are for Mia's routine to "Mercy" done by Twitch and Katee (one of my faves from last year), TabNap's "Bleeding Love" routine done by Mark and Chelsie (another of my favorites even though I wasn't rooting for Mark or Chelsie last year), Tyce's routine to "Silence" (which got noticeably fewer cheers than the last two routines), done by Jessica and Will (don't remember this dance at all even though I really liked Will), and "A Los Amigos", a tango choreographed by Dmitry Chaplin (who was also on DWTS last year), done by Josh and Chelsie (another routine I don't remember at all, though it looked cool in the short clip).
The show was also nominated for Best Makeup. Congrats to all!

Oddly Nigel is not at the results show, but he has a good reason. He is getting an honorary doctorate from a school in England. Awesome! And that means it's ladies' night on SYTYCD- even more awesome!

First up is a recap of Wednesday night's show. Despite what Mary says about the strong girls I still think Brandon is going to win. The girls' group dance was better but both were entertaining. The producers chose to show Mary's critique of Evan/Kayla that criticized Evan, though they also showed Debbie's praise. Ade and Janette all got positive reviews. Jason and Jeanine's routine got a nice applause when it was shown on the screen, and the standing ovation is also showed. Cat oddly describes the paso doble as "fiery"- I though the problem was that it was not fiery enough. Brandon and Melissa ended the night on a high note. The recap ends with brief glimpses of all the solos- despite what other bloggers say I still wasn't crazy about Jeanine's. Still love Brandon's, Evan's and Janette's though.

SO pumped for Hell's Kitchen next week. Look for my blog on that show as well.

All the ladies are onstage after the break. Cat will reveal the bottom two- I'd guess Randi (worst Wednesday night) and Kayla (least popular). Both will dance solos, though those will have no bearing on who goes home- aka they are filler. Janette is safe (yay!). Based on the order they are standing in I'm guessing Randi will be in the bottom, Jeaninie will be safe, and either Melissa or Kayla will be in the bottom. Indeed Randi is in the bottom, which already means dialidol was wrong- more bad news for Kupono. She seems to be unsurprised by the news. Jeanine is safe (again deserved based on her strong partner dance). So it's down to Kayla and Melissa. Both were great last night, but Kayla turns people off for some reason and thus will likely be in the bottom. Plus overall her waltz was worse than Melissa's Broadway dance (though that was mainly Evan's fault). Wow Melissa is in the bottom instead. Well congrats to Kayla, who was excellent in the waltz, but I guess she is more popular than I thought, and Melissa is less so. Some other bloggers thought America is tired of ballerinas, and I guess they were right. And dialidol was completely off, since they had Kayla going home.

Next up are the guys. It will likely be Kupono and someone else. It should be Kupono and Evan, but who knows how popular Jason, Brandon, and Ade are. I hope Brandon doesn't fall into the bottom like Melissa did.

But before that we get another Season 6 preview. I still don't like how they are already pimping dancers for next season. One girl in yellow shows great passion in her movements. Today's featured dancer is Molly, who at 18 is auditioning for the first time. She is very perky in a cute way. I hate the weird version of "Against All Odds" playing in the background but I enjoyed her solo much better than the one from last week. The judges love her energy and potential. They don't actually show her getting through, but I think it's pretty obvious she does.

Now for the results. I am trying not to look at the order they are in so I won't be spoiled on the results like I was for the girls (I try that for Idol too but it usually never works- I can't keep my head away for that long!). First up is Jason- he should be safe based on how he did but who knows how popular he is. He is safe as well, so again dialidol was totally off. I did unfortunately glance a quick peek at the order, and Evan and Kupono are next. So Evan is safe, Kupono in the bottom, and either Brandon or Ade (hopefully Ade) in the bottom. BTW what is with Kupono's outfit??? Evan got fewer cheers than I thought he would. But indeed he is safe, which is bad news for Kupono, who is up next. Kupono got less cheers than Evan did. Indeed he is in the bottom- I partially want him to be safe because I want to see another shocked reaction from him. So it's down to Ade and Brandon- Brandon is more popular but I think people might not have liked Brandon's Hair routine because Tyce choreographed it. Plus his partner Melissa is already in the bottom. Yay Brandon is safe!!! That doesn't really surprise me (though it did seem to surprise Brandon). Evan and Brandon are more popular and Jason was great last night. So that means if Jason is great next week Ade could be the next guy to go.

I like both guys in the bottom but don't care for either girl. I hope Randi goes simply because she was worse last night and her solo was one of my least favorites as well. Ade has grown on me in recent weeks so I'll be sad either way with the guys but Kupono is so fun I hope he sticks around to redeem himself.

Next week Mia will be on the judging panel, and Ellen Degeneres will be on the show also! Cool. Then Thursday is the 100th episode, with dancers from prior seasons performing Emmy-winning routines, which will be great for me since I didn't watch any of those seasons. And of course the Katie Holmes routine we've all heard about will be next week as well.

Now we get the solos, which don't really matter so I won't comment on them in too much detail. Randi was much better than she was on Wednesday- very graceful. Mary calls her a "heavenly little creature", and she thinks Randi has been great every week but needs to take more chances. Really I think she is not memorable and benefited from Evan's popularity. Debbie though her solo last night was powerful (I disagree), but thinks she is in the bottom because of her paso last night (well duh).

Kupono does his animal solo from Wednesday night, which I like even better tonight. Mary says he has been a great asset to the show but had a poor night on Wednesday. She tells him to show more passion if he is not eliminated, and that the solo was not strong enough as well. Well it was better than his prior ones, though is still a bit weak on choreography.

I think they are all doing their solos from performance night. Melissa' solo didn't wow me then and still doesn't, though I am impressed with how long she stayed en pointe. Debbie thinks America is used to her legs and technique but needs more of a wow factor in her solo (and I agree).

I also like Ade's solo more than I did last night, though I still think the music selection was horrible. Love the flips! Mary says he's a star, and neither her nor Debbie seem to think he should be in the bottom.

And now as more filler we get the Black Eyed Peas, who apparently allowed the show to play their music during the first season of the show. I guess that move paid off! And they are doing their current hit, "I Got A Feeling", which I like much better than their last one, "Boom, Boom, Pow". Though my local radio station plays "I Got a Feeling" at least once a day yet I never knew who sang it until I saw the credit a few days ago on ESPN. Just shows how the radio station never says who sings the songs they play. Okay mini-rant over.

Hey they have the green lasers from their Idol finale performance! Man this song is so catchy- at least the chorus. The rest of the song I don't really know yet. A dancer comes in partway through and takes off her shirt to reveal a dress underneath, then walks off the stage after smiling at Fergie. That was random. There are actually more dancers in the back but you can't see them since the focus is on the Peas. And another random guy jumps on stage, which cues a mass spraying of confetti. Yet the dancers keep going without a slip. Still don't like the verses but the chorus gets stuck in my head whenever I hear the song. They are going on tour with U2, so that is exciting (and explains why they are on the show of course- to plug the tour!)

And now finally we have results. The girls are first. Like I said I don't really love either but Randi was worse last night. Indeed Randi is out, which for me completely invalidates dialidol. Melissa looks a bit surprised, though Randi does not (and for good reason). This is bad for Kupono though, because if no one voted for Randi they likely didn't vote for him either. BTW Randi looks so short next to Cat, who of course mentions Randi's butt during the intro to the recap. Of course her paso last night gets only a brief clip.

So it's down to Kupono and Ade. I know Ade has a better shot to win than Kupono, but like I said I want to see Kupono safe just so he can look all shocked again. But indeed Kupono is out, and like Randi he seemed prepared for the news. Well I'm disappointed but I figured it was coming so I've had two days to prepare. Plus I knew he had no shot of winning anyway. I'll miss his goofy personality though. And now I get to see a clip of his addiction dance from last week. I forgot about the crash test dummies dance! But only two seconds of the addiction dance- boo.

Both seem happy with the experience and are taking in the cheers at the end. Kupono almost seems satisfied to be leaving- he probably didn't expect to get this far.

So thoughts on the results? Were you surprised at Melissa and Ade being in the bottom (since I'm sure you weren't surprised about who went home)? Will you miss Kupono's personality too? Post your comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like we have a lot of the same interests. I also have a blog about SYTYCD:

    Seems like people weren't super surprised about Melissa and Ade being in the bottom.
